
For defining special interaction in simulation such as contact tracing, testing agents, or region lockdowns, you can use Covasim interventions. Intervention can be stacked, so there can be the same intervention defined several times with different parameters such as different start day of the intervention, changes across layers affected by the intervention, or other different values related to a specific intervention. More information about interventions can be found in T5.2 Simulation - Intervention types.

As other simulation parameters, an intervention can be defined in several ways: globally for all regions, for each region of the same region_parent_name (for example, Czechia), or separately for each region of the simulation.

Note: Some interventions are dependent on a different intervention as mentioned in their description

Interventions are defined in *.csv or *.xlsx file, which contains the correct attributes (columns) for each intervention and valid data. You can define multiple interventions and turn them on/off by key:use in the file. It can be also defined as global/state or it can be region-specific.

Interventions are defined in Simulation intervention file.

How to define an intervention#

Specific interventions with basic information and requirements are available in T5.2 Simulation - Intervention types section. The core element is to have a proper csv/xlsx file with correctly defined attributes. Necessary attributes for each intervention are:

  • location_code (str) related to region/country or global (states are based on key:region_parent_name which is defined in Region specific parameters)
  • use (bool) true for an intervention, false if it is to be ignored
  • label (str) for the intervention, user defined
  • intervention_type (str) such as mobility_change, beta_change etc. described in Intervention types

An example of intervention attributes:

location_code use label intervention_type start_day num_days end_day beta_change
CZ01 true mob_change mobility_change 2020-03-01 2020-05-19
Czechia false mob_change mobility_change [10,25]
global true beta_change mobility_change [10,25] "[0.5]"

Intervention timeline settings#

For the most user-friendly experience there is a complex method that calculates the correct timeline of the intervention. You can supply information about starting/ending time of intervention in two ways:

  • Format for date time is in "YYYY-MM-DD" format
  • Format for number of days (takes effect from the start date of the simulation) is integer.

You can combine starting and ending definitions like in the example for a simulation defined in simulation_global_pars file:

  • start_day : "2020-01-01", end_day : "2020-01-25"
  • start_day : 10, end_day : 25
  • start_day : "2020-01-01", num_days : 25|"[25]"
  • num_days : "[1,25]"
  • start_day : 1, num_days : "2020-01-25"
  • num_days : 1|"[10]". end_day : "2020-01-25"

Examples above are all possible combination for calculating the exact same timeline of intervention, which will be from 2020-01-01 to 2020-01-25.

Settings for beta interventions#

Beta changes in specific intervention can be set as a list of values, or as a single value. When single value is used, it can be used for whole intervention period, or defined as the starting point for the whole simulation period. When list of values is used, it must be the same length as the number of days of intervention.


  • beta_change : 0.7, start_day : defined, end_day : defined
    -> beta will be 0.7 since start day of intervention period, after end day, it returns to 1
  • beta_change : 0.7, start_day : defined, end_day : not defined
    -> beta will be 0.7 since start day of intervention period for the rest of simulation period
  • beta_change : [0.7,0.9], start_day : defined, end_day : defined
    -> beta will be 0.7 since start day of intervention period, after that it will be 0.9 for the rest of intervention period, after end day, it returns to 1
  • beta_change : [0.7,0.9], start_day : not defined, end_day : defined
    -> beta will be 0.7 since start day of simulation, after end day it will be set to 0.9 for the rest of simulation period

Definition of intervention region#

There are three ways to define intervention in specific regions. Also you can defined multiple intervention, and enable only a selected ones by explicitly setting the use parameter to true/false:

Example for a region defined in csv:

location_code use region_parent_name name popfile pop_infected
CZ01 true Czechia Region1 /absolute/path/to/popfile0.pop 2

Example for a region defined by location_code:

location_code use
CZ01 true

Example for an intervention to all regions enabled in the simulation:

location_code use
global true

Example for regions defined by the region_parent_name in the main region csv file:

location_code use
Czechia true

Definition of multiple interventions#

In the intervention file you can define multiple intervention by simply adding a column/keys/attributes for each of them and indicating only keys which are correspond to the intervention type. For example, if you want to define two interventions, one for mobility and one for a beta change:

location_code use label intervention_type start_day num_days end_day beta_change layers
CZ01 true Region lockdown CZ01 mobility_change 2020-03-01 2020-05-19
CZ02 true Region lockdown CZ02 mobility_change [10,25]
global true Beta change for specific time beta_change 2020-01-01 2020-03-19 [0.5] [w,s]
global true Beta change from start to end of simulation beta_change 2020-01-10 15 0.7