Importing and exporting data from the abmSHARE server#

You can import configuration files or export outputs from simulations by downloading/uploading files with an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) or a common file management or file transfer applications.

Each user with access to the server has a defined <username> folder. There is no need to change the path in the input or output files. All paths are defined automatically.

What to import#

In your sandbox folders (default /home/<username>/sandbox) there is the input_files directory which contains the input configuration files for the abmSHARE model and for input data used by synthetic population module.

The main following import path is

  • Configuration files path: /home/<username>/sandbox/input_data

What to export#

After running a simulation you can export the output to your local machine. The output files are defined in Sandbox output folder.

How to transfer files#

There are several ways how to import and export files depending on your system.


For importing or exporting data is reccomended to use the SCP protocol.

SCP via WinSCP#

For Windows OS you can use WinSCP.

SCP via terminal#

For downloading single file from the abmSHARE server to your PC (local host) use

    scp username@<servername>:/path/to/file/on/server /path/on/localhost/to/copy

For downloading folders from the abmSHARE server to your PC (local host) use

    scp -r username@<servername>:/path/to/folder/on/server /path/on/localhost/to/copy

For uploading single file from your PC (local host) to the abmSHARE server use

    scp /path/on/localhost/to/copy username@<servername>:/path/to/file/on/server

For uploading folders from your PC (local host) to the abmSHARE server use

    scp -r /path/on/localhost/to/copy username@<servername>:/path/to/folder/on/server

Linux Filezilla#

For data transfer in Linux you can use Filezilla application.