Configuration file keys
- create_report (bool) - This key decides about getting the whole report and calling the report system
- output_format (string) OPTIONS: csv, xlsx - this key is for chosen the output data format
- output_path (string) - path for saving output files It can be overwritten, when auto_settings save is enabled
- input_multisim (string) - it serves for more specific defining the input simulation and parameters for output. It can be overwritten by Auto_saving system, which will load the actual simulation object
- filepath (str) - filepath to specific sim object.
- allkeys (bool) - if an output files with all the keys should be created
- keys (list of strings) - output file will have only those keys
- whole_simulation (bool) - if output csv should have information about the whole simulation Can be also combined with separated_simulation
- separated_simulation (bool) - output csvs will be for every region/simulation separately Can be also combined with whole_simulation
- whole_variants (bool) - specifies if user want to create report with variant specific data for all provided sims/regions. Can be also combined with separated_variants
- separated_variants (bool) - specifies if user want to create report with variant specific data for every sim/region each separately
- reports (list of objects) - reports will be standing for more accurate reports of given variables. Can also be combined with whole_variants
- keys (list of strings) - output file will have only those keys
- output_format (string) Available OPTIONS: csv, xlsx - this key is for chosen the output data format Overrides basic output_format for this report
Example json configuration file
"keys": ["t","new_deaths","n_dead"],