Parameters for Synthetic population module#

These parameters can be used in Synthetic population settings in key:pars section. More information can be found at IDM SynthPops.

Example parameters with default values:

  • use_two_group_reduction=True
  • average_LTCF_degree=20
  • ltcf_staff_age_min=20
  • ltcf_staff_age_max=60
  • with_school_types=False
  • school_mixing_type='random'
  • average_class_size=20
  • inter_grade_mixing=0.1
  • average_student_teacher_ratio=20
  • average_teacher_teacher_degree=3
  • teacher_age_min=25
  • teacher_age_max=75
  • with_non_teaching_staff=False
  • average_student_all_staff_ratio=15
  • average_additional_staff_degree=20
  • staff_age_min=20
  • staff_age_max=75
  • rand_seed=None
  • country_location=None
  • state_location=None
  • location=None
  • sheet_name=None
  • household_method='infer_ages'
  • smooth_ages=False
  • window_length=7

Parameters for Covasim variants#

Parameters for simulation#

All parameters are written as the key for use and possible values. All assigned values are representing default Covasim parameters. Some of those parameters are not implemented and tested yet - look for their description in each section. TO DO: What does this mean? Some parameters do not need to use, because they are already used by another module.

Admissible parameters for global settings#

  • use_waning = True (bool) - (Optional) Whether to use dynamically calculated immunity. Must be enabled if there are vaccine intervention
  • unique_mobility_indexes = True (bool) As from the V0.2.4 this must be enabled. Future fix coming.
  • start_day = '2020-03-01' str - (Optional) Date from when the simulation is started. Can be combined as start_day and n_days. Do not need to specify end_day.
  • n_days = 180 int - number of days for simulation

Population parameters#

  • pop_size = (int) e.g. 20000 or 20e3 - Number of agents, Do not use when there is population object loaded
  • pop_infected = (int) 20 - Number of initial infections - Can be used Globally or separately
  • pop_type = 'random' - What type of population data to use -- 'random' (fastest), 'synthpops' (best), 'hybrid' (compromise) Don not use when there is population object loaded
  • location = None - What location to load data from -- default Seattle Do not use when there is population object loaded

Simulation parameters#

  • start_day = '2020-03-01' - (Optional) Date from when is simulation started. Can be combined as start_day and n_days. Do not need to specify end_day.
  • end_day = None (Datetime (YYYY-MM-DD))- (Optional) End day of the simulation - can be used with start_day. Does not need to be specified when there is start_day and n_days
  • n_days = 60 (int) - Number of days to run, if end_day is not specified. Simulation can only have n_days and starts with default date and ends after las day from n_days
  • rand_seed = 1 (int) - (Optional) Random seed, if None, do not reset Simulation is using some random values, use rand_seed for different random seed
  • verbose = cvo.verbose - (Optional) Whether or not to display information during the run -- options are 0 (silent), 0.1 (some; default), 1 (default), 2 (everything). It signifanctly slower simulation process

Rescaling parameters#

Rescaling parameters do not need to be used. Some intervention have problem with rescaling (for example, contact tracing).

  • pop_scale = 1 (int) -(Optional) Factor by which to scale the population -- e.g. pop_scale=10 with pop_size=100e3 means a population of 1 million. Cannot be used with interventions for contact tracing
  • scaled_pop = None - The total scaled population, i.e. the number of agents times the scale factor No need for use
  • rescale = True (bool) - Enable dynamic rescaling of the population -- starts with pop_scale=1 and scales up dynamically as the epidemic grows. Use the default, so no need to explicitly specify
  • rescale_threshold = 0.05 (float) - Fraction susceptible population that will trigger rescaling (if rescaling enabled)
  • rescale_factor = 1.2 (float- Factor by which the population is rescaled on each step
  • frac_susceptible = 1.0 (float)- What proportion of the population is susceptible to infection

Network parameters, generally initialized after the population has been constructed#

Because of synthetic pre-generated population there is no need to use Network parameters. For more info look for covasim original documentation.

  • contacts = None - The number of contacts per layer; set by reset_layer_pars() below
  • dynam_layer = None - Which layers are dynamic; set by reset_layer_pars() below
  • beta_layer = None - Transmissibility per layer; set by reset_layer_pars() below

Basic disease transmission parameters#

  • beta_dist = dict(dist='neg_binomial', par1=1.0, par2=0.45, step=0.01)(dict) - (Optional) Distribution to draw individual level transmissibility; dispersion from
  • viral_dist = dict(frac_time=0.3, load_ratio=2, high_cap=4) (dict) - (Optional) The time varying viral load (transmissibility); estimated from Lescure 2020, Lancet,
  • beta = 0.016 (float) - (Optional) Beta per symptomatic contact; absolute value, calibrated
  • asymp_factor = 1.0 (float) - (Optional) Multiply beta by this factor for asymptomatic cases; no statistically significant difference in transmissibility:

Parameters used to calculate immunity#

Parameters defined as dict are not tested in current version. Its recommended to use only use_waning, trans_redux, nab_boost parameter from this section.

  • use_waning = True (bool) - (Optional) Whether to use dynamically calculated immunity. Must be enabled if there are vaccine intervention
  • nab_init = dict(dist='normal', par1=0, par2=2) - (Optional)** Parameters for the distribution of the initial level of log2(nab) following natural infection, taken from fig1b of
  • nab_decay = dict(form='nab_growth_decay', growth_time=21, decay_rate1=np.log(2) / 50, decay_time1=150, decay_rate2=np.log(2) / 250, decay_time2=365)(dict) (Optional)
  • nab_kin = None - (Optional) Constructed during sim initialization using the nab_decay parameters
  • nab_boost = 1.5 - (Optional) Multiplicative factor applied to a person's nab levels if they get reinfected. No data on this, assumption.
  • nab_eff = dict(alpha_inf=1.08, alpha_inf_diff=1.812, beta_inf=0.967, alpha_symp_inf=-0.739, beta_symp_inf=0.038, alpha_sev_symp=-0.014, beta_sev_symp=0.079)(dict) - (Optional) Parameters to map nabs to efficacy
  • rel_imm_symp = dict(asymp=0.85, mild=1, severe=1.5)(dict) -(Optional) Relative immunity from natural infection varies by symptoms. Assumption.
  • immunity = None - (Optional) Matrix of immunity and cross-immunity factors, set by init_immunity() in
  • trans_redux = 0.59 - (Optional) Reduction in transmission for breakthrough infections,

Variant-specific disease transmission parameters.#

When there are multiple variants from T5.2 Simulation - Variants then there is no need to use those parameters.

  • rel_beta = 1.0 ## Relative transmissibility varies by variant

Duration parameters: time for disease progression#

Duration parameters are not implemented yet

  • dur['exp2inf = dict(dist='lognormal_int', par1=4.5, par2=1.5) # Duration from exposed to infectious; see Lauer et al.,, appendix table S2, subtracting - inf2sym duration
  • dur['inf2sym = dict(dist='lognormal_int', par1=1.1, par2=0.9) # Duration from infectious to symptomatic; see Linton et al.,, from Table 2, 5.6 day incubation period - 4.5 day exp2inf from Lauer et al.
  • dur['sym2sev = dict(dist='lognormal_int', par1=6.6, par2=4.9) # Duration from symptomatic to severe symptoms; see Linton et al.,, from Table 2, 6.6 day onset to hospital admission (deceased); see also Wang et al.,, 7 days (Table 1)
  • dur['sev2crit = dict(dist='lognormal_int', par1=1.5, par2=2.0) # Duration from severe symptoms to requiring ICU; average of 1.9 and 1.0; see Chen et al.,, 8.5 days total - 6.6 days sym2sev = 1.9 days; see also Wang et al.,, Table 3, 1 day, IQR 0-3 days; std=2.0 is an estimate

Duration parameters: time for disease recovery#

Duration parameters are not implemented yet

  • dur['asym2rec = dict(dist='lognormal_int', par1=8.0, par2=2.0) # Duration for asymptomatic people to recover; see Wölfel et al.,
  • dur['mild2rec = dict(dist='lognormal_int', par1=8.0, par2=2.0) # Duration for people with mild symptoms to recover; see Wölfel et al.,
  • dur['sev2rec = dict(dist='lognormal_int', par1=18.1, par2=6.3) # Duration for people with severe symptoms to recover, 24.7 days total; see Verity et al.,; 18.1 days = 24.7 onset-to-recovery - 6.6 sym2sev; 6.3 = 0.35 coefficient of variation * 18.1; see also (22 days) and (3-10 days)
  • dur['crit2rec = dict(dist='lognormal_int', par1=18.1, par2=6.3) # Duration for people with critical symptoms to recover; as above (Verity et al.)
  • dur['crit2die = dict(dist='lognormal_int', par1=10.7, par2=4.8) # Duration from critical symptoms to death, 18.8 days total; see Verity et al.,; 10.7 = 18.8 onset-to-death - 6.6 sym2sev - 1.5 sev2crit; 4.8 = 0.45 coefficient of variation * 10.7

Severity parameters: probabilities of symptom progression#

  • rel_symp_prob = 1.0 (float) - (Optional) Scale factor for proportion of symptomatic cases
  • rel_severe_prob = 1.0 (float) - (Optional) Scale factor for proportion of symptomatic cases that become severe
  • rel_crit_prob = 1.0 (float) - (Optional) Scale factor for proportion of severe cases that become critical
  • rel_death_prob = 1.0 (float) - (Optional) Scale factor for proportion of critical cases that result in death
  • prog_by_age = prog_by_age or False (str/bool) - Whether to set or not disease progression based on the person's age.
  • prognoses = None (float) - (Optional) The actual arrays of prognoses by age; this is populated later

Efficacy of protection measures#

  • iso_factor = None (float) - (Optional) Multiply beta by this factor for diagnosed cases to represent isolation
  • quar_factor = None (float) - (Optional) Quarantine multiplier on transmissibility and susceptibility
  • quar_period = 14 (int) - (Optional) Number of days to quarantine for; assumption based on standard policies

Intervention parameters#

Parameters for mobility intervention#

  • location_code (str) = location code of region
  • use (bool) = True # Default value for use is True. If you want to disable this intervention, set it to False
  • intervention_type (str) = "mobility_change" # Default value for type is mobility_change. iNo other value allowed.
  • label (str) = "Some label" # Optional Label for this mobility change eg. "Region1 lockdown"
  • start_day (str in YYYY-MM-DD)/ int as number of day = "2021-03-16"/ 16 Specifies day of the intervention start
  • end_day (str in YYYY-MM-DD)int as number of day = "2021-03-16"/ 16 Specifies day of the intervention end
  • num_days (int/list of ints) = can be specified for starting/ending day. Usage as list or integer: [10,25] or 10

Parameters for changing beta intervention#

  • location_code (str) = location code of region
  • use (bool) = True # Default value for use is True. If you want to disable this intervention, set it to False
  • intervention_type (str) = "beta_change" # Default value for type is beta_change. No other value allowed.
  • label (str) = "Some label" # OptionalLabel for this mobility change eg. "School lockdown"
  • start_day (str in YYYY-MM-DD) = "2021-03-16" # Specifies day of the intervention start
  • end_day (str in YYYY-MM-DD) = "2021-03-16" # Specifies day of the intervention end
  • num_days (int/list of ints) = can be specified for starting/ending day. Usage as list or integer: [10,25] or 10 "days":[1,30] - which will set starting day as 1st day of simulation and it will end the 30th day of simulation. Or can be used as start day only "days":10 - intervention will start the 10th day of simulation.
  • beta_change (float/float list) = change overall beta (transmission) parameter. Can be used as single value "beta_change":0.6 and after intervention ends it will go back to 1.0. Or can be used as list "beta_change":[0.6,0.8] and after intervention ends the value will be se to 0.8
  • layers list of str = change can be applied to one or more layers. You can use it only for school "layers":['s'] or for more layers e.g. workplaces "layers":['s','w']

Parameters for contact isolation#

  • location_code (str) = location code of region
  • use (bool) = True # Default value for use is True. If you want to disable this intervention, set it to False
  • intervention_type (str) = "isolate_contacts" # Default value for type is isolate_contacts. No other value allowed.
  • label (str) = "Some label" Optional # Label for this mobility change eg. "School contact isolation"
  • num_days (int/list of ints) = can be specified for starting/ending day. Usage as list or integer: [10,25] or 10"days":"[1,30]" - which will set starting day as 1st day of simulation and it will end the 30th day of simulation. Or can be used as start day only "days":10 - intervention will start the 10th day of simulation.
  • changes (float/float list) = change overall contacts by given number (0.3 == - 30% of contacts). Can be used as single value "changes":0.6 and after intervention ends it will go back to 1.0. Or can be used as list "changes":"[0.6,0.8]" and after intervention ends the value will be se to 0.8
  • layers list of str = change can be applied to one or more layers. You can use it only for school "layers":"['s']" or for more layers e.g. workplaces "layers":"['s','w']"
  • start_day (str in YYYY-MM-DD) = "2021-03-16" # Specifies day of the intervention start
  • end_day (str in YYYY-MM-DD) = "2021-03-16" # Specifies day of the intervention end

Parameters for daily testing#

There is a plenty of key:values which are optional. Basically its necessary to define daily_test and type of intervention. Everything else is optional and be loaded as default parameters, if none provided. (Default parameters are written on every key = default_value). Note: do not use dict value specific keys, this is not tested yet e.g. key:subtarget

  • location_code (str) = location code of region
  • use (bool) = True # Default value for use is True. If you want to disable this intervention, set it to False
  • intervention_type (str) = "per_day_testing" # Default value for type is per_day_testing. No other value allowed.
  • label (str) = "Some label" Optional # Label for this mobility change eg. "School contact isolation"
  • daily_tests (int/int list) = number of tests per day, can be int, array, or dataframe/series; if integer, use - that number every day
  • symp_test (float) = 100.0 Optionalodds ratio of a symptomatic person testing (default: 100x more likely)
  • quar_test (float)= 1.0 Optionalprobability of a person in quarantine testing (default: no more likely)
  • quar_policy (str) = None Optionalpolicy for testing in quarantine: options are 'start' (default), 'end', 'both' (start and end), 'daily'; can also be a number or a function, see get_quar_inds()
  • subtarget (dict) = None Optionalsubtarget intervention to people with particular indices (format: {'ind': array of indices, or function to return indices from the sim, 'vals': value(s) to apply} NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
  • ili_prev (arr) = None Optionalprevalence of influenza-like-illness symptoms in the population; can be float, array, or dataframe/series
  • sensitivity (float)= 1.0 Optionaltest sensitivity (default 100%, i.e. no false negatives)
  • loss_prob (float)= 0 Optionalprobability of the person being lost-to-follow-up (default 0%, i.e. no one lost to follow-up)
  • test_delay (int) = 0 Optionaldays for test result to be known (default 0, i.e. results available instantly)
  • start_day (int) = 0 Optionalday the intervention starts (default: 0, i.e. first day of the simulation)
  • end_day (int) = None Optionalday the intervention ends
  • num_days (int/list of ints) = can be specified for starting/ending day. Usage as list or integer: [10,25] or 10

Parameters for testing probability#

There is a plenty of key:values which are optional. Basically its necessary to define daily_test and type of intervention. Everything else is optional and be loaded as default parameters, if none provided. (Default parameters are written on every key = default_value). Note: do not use dict value specific keys, this is not tested yet e.g. key:subtarget

  • location_code (str) = location code of region
  • use (bool) = True # Default value for use is True. If you want to disable this intervention, set it to False
  • intervention_type (str)= "testing_probability" # Default value for type is testing_probability. No other value allowed.
  • label (str) = "Some label" Optional # Label for this mobility change eg. "School contact isolation"
  • symp_prob (float) = 0.1 probability of testing a symptomatic (unquarantined) person
  • asymp_prob (float) = 0.0 Optional probability of testing an asymptomatic (unquarantined) person (default: 0)
  • symp_quar_prob (float) = None Optional probability of testing a symptomatic quarantined person (default: same as symp_prob)
  • asymp_quar_prob (float) = None Optional probability of testing an asymptomatic quarantined person (default: same as asymp_prob)
  • quar_policy (str) = None Optional policy for testing in quarantine: options are 'start' (default), 'end', 'both' (start and end), 'daily'; can also be a number or a function, see get_quar_inds()
  • subtarget (dict) = None Optional subtarget intervention to people with particular indices (see test_num() for details) NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
  • ili_prev (float/float list) = None Optional prevalence of influenza-like-illness symptoms in the population; can be float, array, or dataframe/series
  • sensitivity (float) = 1.0 Optional test sensitivity (default 100%, i.e. no false negatives)
  • loss_prob (float) = 0.0 Optional probability of the person being lost-to-follow-up (default 0%, i.e. no one lost to follow-up)
  • test_delay (int) = 0 Optional days for test result to be known (default 0, i.e. results available instantly)
  • start_day (int) = 0 Optional day the intervention starts (default: 0, i.e. first day of the simulation)
  • end_day (int) = None Optional day the intervention ends (default: no end)
  • num_days (int/list of ints) = can be specified for starting/ending day. Usage as list or integer: [10,25] or 10

Parameters for contact tracing#

There is a plenty of key:values which are optional. Basically it is necessary to define daily_test and type of intervention. Everything else is optional and be loaded as default parameters, if none provided. (Default parameters are written on every key = default_value). Note: do not use dict value specific keys, this is not tested yet e.g. keys: trace_probs and trace_time otherwise use them only as single float value

  • location_code (str) = location code of region
  • use (bool) = True # Default value for use is True. If you want to disable this intervention, set it to False
  • intervention_type (str) = "contact_tracing" # Default value for type is contact_tracing*. No other value allowed.
  • label (str) = "Some label" Optional # Label for this mobility change eg. "School contact isolation"
  • trace_probs (float/dict)=0.4 Optional probability of tracing, per layer (default=100%, i.e. everyone is traced) NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
  • trace_time (float/dict)=0 Optional days required to trace, per layer (default=0, i.e. no delay) NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
  • start_day (int)=0 Optional intervention start day (default=0, i.e. the start of the simulation)
  • end_day (int)=None Optional intervention end day (default=no end)
  • presumptive (bool)=false Optional whether or not to begin isolation and contact tracing on the presumption of a positive diagnosis (default=no)
  • capacity (int)=None Optional optionally specify a maximum number of newly diagnosed people to trace each day
  • quar_period (int)=None Optional number of days to quarantine when notified as a known contact.
  • num_days (int/list of ints) = can be specified for starting/ending day. Usage as list or integer: [10,25] or 10

Parameters for simple vaccination#

There are a few keys to define this intervention. Use waning immunity must be enabled.

  • location_code (str) = location code of region
  • use (bool) = True # Default value for use is True. If you want to disable this intervention, set it to False
  • intervention_type (str) = "simple_vaccination" # Default value for type is vaccine. No other value allowed.
  • label (str) = "Some label" Optional # Label for this mobility change eg. "School contact isolation"
  • start_day (int) = 0 Optional intervention start day (default=0, i.e. the start of the simulation)
  • end_day (int) = None Optional intervention end day (default=no end)
  • num_days (int/list of ints) = can be specified for starting/ending day. Usage as list or integer: [10,25] or 10
  • prob (float) = 0.0 Optional probability of being vaccinated each day (default=0, i.e. no one is vaccinated)
  • rel_sus (float) = 0.0 Optional relative susceptibility of vaccinated people (0 = perfect, 1 = no effect)
  • rel_symp (float) = 0.0 Optional relative symptomaticity of vaccinated people (0 = perfect, 1 = no effect)
  • cumulative (bool) = False Optional whether cumulative doses have cumulative effects (default false);